Sunday, September 29, 2013

Easy Sunday Hollie-day


That's Hollie day...not holiday...get it?
Um, yeah, well it's me again...remember me?
The other kitties are having their Easy Sunday afternoon naps.  While they're in the other room, I get my turn in the house to explore and stuff.
I'm gonna watch a some kitty TV.  The bird channel is a little different out here.
Our weather is a bit cloudy today.  The lady had to get the front and back yards mowed before we get any rain.  Despite the clouds she decided to put the water on in the back.  The birdies seemed to appreciate it.  She went outside and saw them flying through the water and hopping around, having a bit of bath time fun.  Or maybe I should say shower time...
Check out this little fella!
There isn't much else going on around here.
I think I'm ready for my Easy Sunday afternoon naps!
Have a good one, everybuddy!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Where's Minnie?

I made mom a bit nervous this afternoon.
She didn't see me about anywhere in the house, but still she knew I couldn't have gotten out.
Do you see me?
Yeah, it took mom a bit too.
hee hee! 
Ok, let's turn on the flashy...
The weather is a bit cooler now so a cat's gotta do what a cat's gotta do to nap warm an all.
Oh, and in case you're wonderin...
hee hee!
Have a warm and snuggly Caturday, everybuddy!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Can't blame a cat for tryin...

Wriggley got his Barkbox in the mail the other day.
Mom was so proud of herself cause she remembered to put all of the treats away, and didn't leave anything out for me to get into inspect.
'Cept she did leave one thing out, not realizing I'd be interested...
(Really...this is me we're talkin about, Minnie!  How long have I lived here???)
Say...what have we here!
::nom nom nom::
But then...
Hey!  where'd my kitty treat stick go?!?
I coulda swore it was right here a second ago!
Note to self...
next time do my toublemakin quality inspections away from  mom the pawparazzi...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Did somebuddy say treat?

We're waiting...
What was that?
We're hearing things?
Are you sure?
She was sure.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Easy Sunday

I'm enjoyin a bit of bird TV from the comfort of the Ham-mick.
I scored bonus points today with mom 'cause not only did I let her see me in the ham-mick, but I also let her get a pic-sher...or two...
Mom can tell we sit here on account of our tell-tale furs, although it is a rare thing for her to actually see us herself.  But then as mom got down on the floor to take pic-shers at a different angle...well...the ham-mick is comfy an all...but there is no beating mom herself to lay on...
One of the things mom did today was to pack up Wriggley and take him off to camp.
Yeah, she is going to abandon us for the next few days.  Hopefully we'll be back to visit and post Thursday or Friday.
Smidgen has been thinking about her tail story so she'll have that to tell.
hmmm...what to say, what to say...
In the mean time,
Have a great Easy Sunday and week, everybuddy!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday Tails

My furiends over at the Lounge said they liked my tail action in my last movie.
I used to have a long and beautiful tail.  Well, now it is just a cute little nubbin.
Hee hee!
In my mind, tho', my tail is as long as ever and can be as expressive as anybuddy's.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Toesday with Minnie

It's me, Minnie!
My pawsies and I are havin a bit of a nap.
Hey, now that the pawparazzi (hee hee!) seems to be back in business, I have a new collection of Toesday pic-shers to share.
Our mom stores all of our pic-shers on the computer by the year and month that she takes them.
Would you believe that each month she averages over 300 squillion?  And this is mostly of us.
There are only about 120 squillion in last month's folder, on account of she wasn't helpin us to blog.  And really, if you are talking about the impawtant photos of us, there were only about 40.
We're not even half way through September and there are twice that many all ready!
Whew...ok...that's enough for now...
...nothing more to see here...
Have a great Toesday, everybuddy!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Communication breakdown

This actually happened about 87 squillion years ago last month or so, but since I'm just now getting help to finish my post, let's say this was sometime last week, k?

A birdie was perched outside at the top of the kitchen window.
I'm sure you will all see how obvious it is from actions and meows in my movie that I was demanding mom politely asking mom to open the window for me

Well, apparently we had a communication breakdown since, you guessed it, mom did not open the window!

What's a cat to do, I ask you?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

::knock knock:: Who's there?

There was a strange knocking sound at our front door.
It wasn't very loud but it certainly got my attention.
Mom looked out the window to see who was there.
Maybe an introoder kitteh?

She didn't see anything so she opened the front door...

It was this guy, jumping at the door: any aspirin?  For some reason my head hurts...

And no, she did not let him in!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


What do you mean you have to leave for work this morning and you don't have time to fix our breakfast?!?!??!!??

Do you hear that Dishwasher Kitty? wouldn't know what time is brunch?