Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Two! On TWOsday

That's us!
The TWO of us!

We're TWO!

Yes, today is our estimated-but-pretty-darn-sure-of Birfday!  And we're TWO!
Ok, so it might have been yesterday but we didn't want to be overshadowed by Eclipse day.  tee hee!  Besides, how often do you get to be TWO on TWOsday?

Plus this way we can take an extra day to celebrate get to do whatever we want and not be accountable.

"c'mon Ditto, you've gotta lay on the cuteness" 
oh, wait...we do that everyday anyways...

"how's this?"

Oh, yeah!

Time to go climb some walls.
We hope you'll help us celebrate with your own brand of crazies!
tee hee!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Mancat Monday

Happy Eclipse Day, ev'rybuddy!
Our momma had the chance to take the day off special.

Momma never got any special eclipse glasses (or a welding helmet, tee hee) so this morning we helped her make a viewing box.

"I dunno, Ditto, I think she needs a longer box..."

Thankfully, for her sake at least, she listened to us and made a second box that was longer so her image of the sun would be bigger.  Still...

So that is what she saw.  The top row is the start, the middle four pictures on my left and right are the peak (supposedly we got around 76% where we are) and the bottom row is the end.

"It's getting dark out there!"

It did get kinda dark in the house.  For all we knew it was just clouds.  We don't get what the fuss was about.

 "ho hum!"

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Caturday closeness

Ditto here .
I think I've mentioned before that I like hanging out close to Minnie.


Today Momma was giving her the brush.

In this case I might have been a little too close...

What do you think of my white furs?
tee hee!

Thursday, August 10, 2017