Monday, July 15, 2013

The Reminder

Smidgen eats her meals closed up in the hall bathroom has her own private dining room to eat her meals.

I always sit outside her door after I've finished eating.

See, mom will have her stay in there for a bit to let her meal settle in her tummy.
I sit here so mom doesn't forget about her.

Then, when mom opens the door, I go in and clean up the crumbs on Smidgen's plate.
I'm nice like that.
hee hee!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Not bad...not bad at all!

Mom put some of our fav'rite nip on the ham-mick.


I was all set to have a little nip fest...

woo hoo!

...when I realized...

Say...this is kinda comfy!

Who knew?!?

Now we just need another one!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

What in the world?

A photo-essay.

We have finally gotten with the times and have our very own Ham-mick!

...But we're not sure what we are supposed to do with it...

Monday, July 8, 2013


I'm synchronized with this little puppy Cozy Hugs Eye Pillow.

You know...
I can also lay across your eyes.  Then the subtle, sweet fragrance of kitty spit in my furs will relax you.
There's no need to microwave me first...I'm ready to go!


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Easy Sunday: creepy edition

We interrupt this Easy Sunday to show you this...

We have this crazy plant growing in our front garden.

It's a new variety of lily...

Called the Snail Lily (Liliaceae gastropodus sp grossioutus).

The snails seem to be open only in the morning.
Here is that same plant in later in the afternoon:

Pretty gross cool, huh?
hee hee!


Ok, we return you now to our regularly scheduled Easy Sunday activities all ready in progress...


Have a good one, everybuddy!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Big Production

Mom and Wriggley went out adventuring today.

Just lookit all the stuff they pack!

Are you sure the kitchen sink isn't in here, Wriggley?!?!?

You wouldn't happen to have any leftover treats in here...

Would you?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

 Happy Fourth of July to our US furiends!

Wait, wait...
I have a hippy new look for this year...

Whew!  It's all ready a squillion degrees out!
 Enough with this posing, mom!
Have a safe and fun day, everybuddy!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Something's missing...

...I can't quite put my paw on it...

Maybe I had somecat that looks like me had a piddle accident while she was sleeping on Wriggley's beds the cat beds.

Stuff happens!