Saturday, December 30, 2017

Caturday night

Momma says I have a strong nose...

I have no idea what she means

for trouble!
tee hee!

She set this new box of cocoa on the kitchen counter while she had water boiling and then went into another room.

Gee Momma, I have no idea how this box got to be here in the hall baffroom...
maybe it exploded or something...

Momma says it's a good thing Christmas was last week...

Friday, December 29, 2017


Momma says I look like a bunny sitting here.


What do you think?


Tee hee!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Writer's block

oh, I gotta get goin with a post!
hmmm...what to say, what to say... 


What do you think, Lilly.  Should we tell them about our v-e-t check ups a couple of weeks ago, and how you had to have that stick poked up your bum three times cuz the numbers didn't seem right?


How about yesterday when momma didn't give you breakfast and packed you off again to the v-e-t so you could get your teefies cleaned on account of your yucky gums and stinky breath?  And then this morning, because you thought your breakfast would be forgotten again, you tried to get at Sharpie's even when momma had your dish of food too?


No still?
okay then...


I guess we got nothin...

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Boxing Day!

We hope everybuddy had a wonderful and blessed Christmas.


There must be an exception list for kitties or Shanty Paws has a sense of humor because he did visit our house and leave us some pressies in toys and special noms for our breakfast and dinner meals even though two days before ditto took a taste test of momma's dinner that was on the stove.

Santa Claws over our house.  tee hee!

This is how we spent a good part of our day though, before momma had to deliver a Christmas meal to the feral family she looks out for.
 kitty pile up: ditto, minnie, lilly, sharpie
I'm just as excited now that today is Boxing Day.
Time to get on with celebrating!

If you don't have your own box, come on over.
There's plenty of room in mine!
tee hee!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Easy (Christmas Eve) Sunday

hey, where'd everybuddy go?

This was us yesterday on a cold Caturday.

We're just layin low, to be sure we make it on Sandy Clawrs' nice list

It isn't much warmer today either.

Wait...ok, this is better.




Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Burrowers

This is a top view of my picture yesterday.

I like to burrow.
Sometimes I try to burrow into momma's sweatshirt, or maybe under the bed covers.  Or even, like here, between momma's legs.

It must be a family thing 'cause Sharpie is a burrower too!


It is all well and good to be cozy and snug as our weather is getting colder.
There can be some disadvantages... 


tee hee!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Black Cat Friday

I've gotta get charged up for some shopping!
You know, score some deals on treats an all.


All right!
Good to go!


Awww, who am I kidding.
If you need me...


I'll just be under here.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Kitty pile-up

Our weather is cooling off now and even fall-like.  Yesterday Momma expected to find us in Hollie's room soaking up some sun puddles.  Instead...

She took some more pictures with different angles and thought we were sorta in the shape of a heart!


Awww!  Tee hee! 

Today she went looking for us on the pillow again but we were in Hollie's room sun-puddlin.

Tee hee!

Thanks, everybuddy, for the nice comments for our loss of little smidgie.  It meant a lot to our Momma.  We are adjusting to a bit of a new routine and we are doing our best to keep Momma entertained and her mind off things :)

Saturday, October 21, 2017


The tree outside this window has little fruits on it that the Starlings seem to love.


The tree branches come so close to our window and the birdies are just Right.  There.


I gotta get a closer look!

tee hee!

Friday, October 20, 2017


If you are looking for me in my usual places...

I'm not there any more...

I didn't talk about it much, but I've been dealing with chronic kidney disease for a long time.  Seven years.  Finally, though, my little kidneys said "enough!", and they pretty much weren't working any more.  I went to the v-e-t yesterday and Mom had them help me on my next journey, Over the Rainbow Bridge.

I feel like a kitten again.  And I have my tail in all it's long and beautiful glory.  hee hee!
Thanks, Mom, for not letting my fierce kitten-tude scare you away those 14 years ago and for bringing me home out of the wilds.  Life was good.

Until we meet again...

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Easy Sundays

It is a usual Easy Sunday/Easy weekend around here.

Minnie and Ditto 09/03

Momma went out and about to get both us and her some food supplies.  At the pet store check out, she had close to 30 cans of a couple different flavors of stinky goodness.  The store clerk asked her how many cats she had.  She answered "7...but that is food for just two of them..."  tee hee!

Ditto 09/10 

This weekend has been really nice here.  Outside's at least 20 degrees cooler compared to last weekend so we get to enjoy open windows and the cold air blowy machine can have a rest.  Our backyard is becoming a squirrel playground.  We do like to watch them run around but we think it is a little bit rude that they can go into our catio and we can't!

Ditto 09/17 

Our momma likes to play with building toys.  She doesn't appreciate it when we chew on them play with them too, though.  She had some sets out today and while she was gone we destroyed them had a go at playing.  At least she had the fun of building everything again when she got home.  tee hee! 

Ok, time to get back to takin' it easy.
Have a great week ahead, everybuddy!

Saturday, September 16, 2017


Some boxes were left on our doorstep this morning.
I thought I'd help get this one open.


I was having a bit of trouble.
Then I realized there were already some empty boxes!


I know!


What was I thinking!
And there was this other box too that Momma opened.


oh...wait...hang on...


Ditto!  Get outta my box!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Two! On TWOsday

That's us!
The TWO of us!

We're TWO!

Yes, today is our estimated-but-pretty-darn-sure-of Birfday!  And we're TWO!
Ok, so it might have been yesterday but we didn't want to be overshadowed by Eclipse day.  tee hee!  Besides, how often do you get to be TWO on TWOsday?

Plus this way we can take an extra day to celebrate get to do whatever we want and not be accountable.

"c'mon Ditto, you've gotta lay on the cuteness" 
oh, wait...we do that everyday anyways...

"how's this?"

Oh, yeah!

Time to go climb some walls.
We hope you'll help us celebrate with your own brand of crazies!
tee hee!