Thursday, May 17, 2018

What's on?

It is warming up around here.
And that means...


The new season on the Lizard Channel starts!

We think these programs are even better than what we get on our bird channels!
tee hee!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Mancat Monday

In case you don't remember me, it's Sharpie!


This was me yesterday on Easy Momma's Day Sunday sucking up to Momma giving momma some cuddle time on her special day. 
tee hee!

Earlier she had gone out to do some shopping.  When she got home, she opened a box of her treats.  I lulled Momma into a false sense of security as she left the box out and I ignored it.  But then I decided to help myself to one.

I led Momma on a merry chase through the house I tried to find a quiet spot to enjoy my treat.  Under the bed?  Nope, Momma could still poke at me.  Even Ditto wanted some.  Get your own!  I couldn't even find peace under the couch.

Momma thought I'd trade her for some of our favorite treats: freeze dried mussels - we usually attack her when she gets them out.  As soon as she had the package, well, Ditto attacked her.  tee hee!  Momma shut him away and tried again with the trade, but I was not going to give up my treat of rice and marshmallowy krispy goodness!


In the end Momma finally tackled me and ripped my snack out of my mouth I decided I'd settle for some regular kitty treats.

So here I am, hanging out with Momma, you know, just to show her there are no hard feelings, I'm sorry if I might've chomped on her in the melee I forgive her for stealing my special treat.

tee hee!