Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Toesday with Minnie

Mom abandoned us all last week for a work trip.  I made sure she didn't go anywhere over the weekend.
And I even got some special attention.  She gave me the brush Caturday and Sunday!
zoom zoom!

I love the Zoom Groom!  Just lookit all the furs that came off of me, and this was from Sunday!
I can't show you more than my paws in case I don't have any furs left on me...

Lookit our Zoom Grooms.  Can you tell we love to get the brush?  The blue one on your right is Wriggley's first.  In the middle is the one mom is using on him now.  It's only a couple of years old and see how worn it is?  There's a funny story that goes with that but I'll have ta tell you later.
hmmm...maybe it's about time Wriggley had a bath...
hee hee!

Have a great Toesday!


  1. Oooo - I want a Zoom Groom! Okay, I have several other brushes, but a well-groomed kitty can never have enough!

  2. Wow ! Look like your zoom groom can do massage as well , How cool !
    I would love to see your mom groom you some time, that zoom groom looks interesting !

  3. Squeeeee!!!! We love the zoom groom too :-)

  4. We (especially Derry) loved to be groomed...Bet he'd love a zoom groom! He does have a massaging brush that he goes all squirmy for. :-)

  5. I never heard of that zoom groom thing, it sure is weird looking!

  6. WHAT!?! You're NEKKID!?! We didn't know the zoom groom did that...at least, ours doesn't!

  7. Oh we love being groomed too Minnie!
    Happy Toe day!

  8. Wow, the zoom groom looks great! I love being furminated. Mama did it this weekend and she said she gotted enough fur off me to make a kitten!

  9. Oh, no, I'm sorry your mom was away for such long time! But glad she is back and you got good brushing!! I hope you did not lose all your furs :-)
    Looks like Wriggley really wore out the Zoom Grooms. I'm looking forward to the story behind it!

  10. Hmmmm...wonder if that would work on ME?

    Love, Cody

  11. Our mom got us a Zoom Groom too! And we love it!! Much better than some of those brushes or combs.

  12. Minnie, what a cool brush! Looks very futuristic. Does it work on humans! :)
