Monday, March 28, 2016

Mancat Monday

Ditto here, just relaxing in the comfort of Minnie's pillow.


The other night Minnie was being crabby so momma banished her from the room.  Sharpie an I commandeered her pillow, and since then we have been taking turns.

tee hee!

But you know what?  I really don't mind sharing.  I always had my sisters to cuddle with and up until Nugget left, I'd never been by myself.  I'm glad that Sharpie and I are friends now.

Even so, I have these Ninja Panfur Kitty Stealth Moves (patent pending) such that Smidgen and Minnie don't know what hits them...

Sharpie might be bigger than me but I'm the one with all the charm.
tee hee!


  1. Ditto, my human says you could teach us kitties here something about cuddling.

  2. Charm really does work wonders on the humans!

  3. We would be wary of any ninja moves though!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. Ditto, for one so young, you're pretty slick. ;)

  5. I like doing the cuddling, too, Ditto!
    Your Ninja Panfur Kitty Stealth Moves© are totally awesome!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher
