Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Easy Sunday Christmas

Gosh, it seems like the longer we are away, the harder it is to get our mom to help us post.

My and Sharpie's first birfday came and went, as did Sharpie Day and Ditto Day.
And now it's Christmas!

We are all doing ok.  Today is mostly a typical Easy Sunday.  Sandy Clawrs left us some special noms for our Christmas dinner and we're all looking forward to that.


We just wanted to send everybuddy our warmest wishes and blessings for this holiday.

tee hee!

Merry Christmas, everybuddy!


  1. Hey! Nice to see you guys! We're glad you're having a very Merry Christmas!

  2. It's great to see you! Love the upside down greeting :-)
    Merry Christmas to you all!

  3. We hope you are having a Happy Chrissymouse Day full of wonderful treats and prezzies! Cool trick with upsides-down, MOL!

  4. It's so nice to see you, sweet pals! We are glad you're doing okay, and send you lots of love and hugs. Merry Christmas! :)

  5. I'm so glad you checked in for the holidays! Meowy Catmas to you all!

  6. We hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas!!!

  7. Well, it's about TIME we saw a post from my favorite kit-cats!!!!!
    Happy belated birthdays!!!!!!! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Are you celebrating Boxing Day? I got a really nice one this year!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  8. Merry belated Christmas ! We hope you had wonderful holidays ! Purrs

  9. Happy birfday, Sharpie Day and Ditto Day! and I hope you had a very Merry Christmas
