Thursday, October 18, 2018

Lookin good from afar

Hullo.'s me...Sharpie...yeah, it has been awhile.
I am just hangin here, sucking up to Momma yet again.

The other day, Ditto and I had to go to the V-E-T for our regular check ups.  I didn't really make a big deal of things until about half way there on the car ride.  Then I started to voice my complaints over the whole ordeal.

When we arrived, I went first for the weigh-in and, well, you know the usual indignities.  I wasn't too happy about the situation. I stayed on the exam table when it was Ditto's turn and I decided to take my frustrations out on him.  Then when Momma grabbed me to put me back in my ptu, I sorta turned on her...

When it was my turn again for the doc to check me out, I told Momma with hisses and even some clawr action No Way!  They dumped made me come out of my ptu, but the chance to explore around didn't make me feel any better.  So the doc did my exam from a distance.  With all of my hissing she could tell my teefs looked good, tee hee!  Then I shredded on Momma some more as she wrangled me back into the ptutee hee!

At least one thing Momma got right was back at home, Ditto and I got separate space to decompress and then we all had some treats together.


So here I am letting Momma know there are no hard feelings, I'm sorry I shredded your hands and arms I forgive you for making me go through that check-up business.
tee hee!


  1. Wow Sharpie, sounds like you were very brave at the vet! And what a good kitty you are to forgive your mom for all the ordeal :-) Glad it's over now. Enjoy your relaxing time :-)

  2. Ouch happens, but don't do it too often!!!

  3. Are you OK, Sharpie!?! Oh. I mean ... is your mom OK? We hope so.
    I had to go get a shot today at the vet's. I was really good for everything ... except I might have screamed like a banshee when they tried to take my temp. Can't be totally cooperative, that's not the Siberian OR the Honorary Kit-Cat way! Right?
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  4. Well, you made your opinion of the vet known, Sharpie! I don't mind mine, except for the temperature taking part.

  5. We are glad the vet visit is done and over with and you are back home now enjoying your treats. Your mom knows you didn't mean to hurt her. Now we love seeing the photo of makeup time. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  6. Wow, Sharpie. You sure showed that vet what for! Aren’t you glad that visit is over now?

  7. Sharpie, you are a brave and very honest kitty, telling Mom and the vet exactly how you feel.
