Monday, December 24, 2018

Mancat Christmas Eve Monday


Ditto and I were helping Momma this morning with her codeword puzzle.

You know, being the sweet and helpful kitties that we are all year long.

There is only one more sleep until Christmas!  We get to put the last ornament on our advent tree and then tomorrow we put the star at the tippy top.

It is a bit cold and cloudy here today.  Momma is going to go check on our feral family and then brave the store to get her Christmas pizza dinner.  tee hee!  I think I'm just gonna take it easy here.

Momma says that is a pretty good idea.

I'm not sure what she is getting at...


  1. Well, maybe a quick snoozy, ya don't want to miss Santa! Merry Christmas gang!

  2. One eye open =^x<=
    Meowry Christmas to you & fameowly
    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas
    Lots of love

  3. Your advent tree is very pretty!
    Stay warm and enjoy holiday. Very Merry Christmas to you all! xo

  4. We hope you had a nice snoozy. We bet Santa brought you good stuff, because we know you are really good kitties, like, all the time! :)

    Merry Christmas and the happiest of new years to you. We are grateful for you, and blessed by your continued friendship! XO
