Daisy was tagged to answer some questions and she asked that if anyone else wanted they could play along too and answer her questions in turn. We thought this would be fun, so here goes!
1. What is your most favorite treat?
Mom buys Zuke's Purrs for us and she calls them kitty crack by the way we react when she opens the package! We've even surfed the package off of the counter when she's left them out! We cry and cry if she opens any similar package, too, thinking it might be our treats.
2. Describe your funnest day!
Any day that mom is home with us and plays with us and lays around so we can lounge on her is fun!
And then when she lets us sneak outside for a bit to explore! :-)
3. Tell me about your house.
We love our house! We practically have a tree in every room. Our yard is landscaped to attract birds and critters, so we have things to watch out the windows. There are perches or furniture near the windows so we can reach to look outside. There are soft places all over where we can nap! Our house has these architectural plant shelves and mom put ramps on the walls to help us get up there - and she doesn't mind that we've scratched the walls, heh heh...
4. What is your favorite toy?
We each have a favorite catnippy toy but paws down we like the kind of toy that gets our mom playing with us too! We like the Go-Cat cat catcher...
and this Play and Squeak feathery mouse wand...
We also like wappping wads of paper about. Mom makes us these paper footballs and "kicks" them for us to chase!
Does anycat else want to play? Here's what we'd like to ask:
1. Where is your favorite nappy spot?
2. For the indoor kitties, if you had the chance to go outside, even for just a bit, what would you want to do? And for the kitties that are allowed outside, what is your favorite thing to do when you are out?
3. Do you like tummy rubs or are you a hand-shredder?
4. Describe your morning routine.
Have a great week!