Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ha! Don't it figure

None of us have ever really gone for playing with the roulette wheel.
As soon as we post about Minnie not wanting to play, Smidgen goes and does this...

****Edited to add Youtube link here

We edited that clip down from a minute to the highlights you see.
And since then...

::crickets chirping::

Life is back to normal.
hee hee!


  1. MOL, ours would sit for ages between playing. but now that it's gone, it's presence is missed. Gotta go get a new one one of these days..

  2. I knew it! A spurt of play does not a favorite toy make.

  3. I have something to confess you, My mom's notebook is suck ! It's old ! and it can't upgrade anything , anymore. We can't view the video ! and I have iPuddy ( Ipad ) which general, we can play YouTube, but we can't play your video ! it say " Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid "..No...No..NOOOOOO !!!! I really want to see your video !!!

  4. Oh that funny... no like to play anymore. I not play too...moew

  5. Ha roo roo roo! Way to keep 'em guessing, Smidgeon!
    Every time my mom starts talking about getting rid of a bed we hardly ever sleep on, either me or Dave will go nap on it. Just ... you know. Ha roo roo roo!
    Play bows,

  6. Yeah, we hardly ever play with ours...until the mom threatens to give it away!

  7. Great video! Sadly Smidgen got bored with it very quickly...hahaha.

  8. It looks like Smidgen likes to play with the track ball ... in short bursts. :)

  9. This is so cute! I tried the roulette wheel with my cats but they would not respond. Shucks!

    Thanks for commenting on homelesscatcare

  10. BOL! Minnie and Smidgen y'all must be a little like my Mom - short attention span Hardy har Har!

    Waggin at ya,
