Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Toesday with Minnie

It's me...Minnie!  Well, mostly just my pawsies.
We are about to climb on mom's shoulder.
I like doing this since I realized that I can.  Now if I see mom bending over or if she's sitting in such a way that she doesn't leave me a lap, I just jump aboard her back or shoulders.  I can catch her from this tree too.
Here we go...
Well, halfway at least...
I can't beleive this is the first Toesday of a new year!  None of us here really go in for resolutions, but I thought my pawsies and I should try to cause as much trouble have as much fun as we can in the coming year.
hee hee!
Have a great first-Toesday-of-2013 everybuddy!


  1. Haha! We like your sort-of resolution, Minnie. ;-)

    A very happy new year to you all!

  2. Happy Toes-day, and Happy New Year to you all! :)

  3. Minnie, we think that's an excellent New Year resolution! Happy New Year to all of you!!

  4. Looking good Minnie!!! We wish you all the best for 2013. Happy New Year from all of us at Brian's Home!

  5. We think your revolut...erm..reSolution sounds great. Mayhem and Groceries--go for 'em!

  6. I like sitting on the back of my human's chair - it is more comfortable and it does not complain when I dig my claws in! Here's to a FUN 2013!

  7. Happy first Toesday for this year.

    And happy new year, by the way.

    Huuggies and Cheese,


  8. Ha roo roo roo! I'm with you, Minnie! Try to ... have as much fun as we can!
    Play bows,

  9. I'm down with that resolution ;D

    Happy New Year to all of you! :D

    Waggin at ya,
