Saturday, February 20, 2016

Caturday Starvation

oh, don't worry, it's not us who are starving.

It's our momma!  tee hee!

Sharpie an I are always wrasslin an carrying know, regular kitten stuff.  We usually end up with a time out before we get to the point of napping nicely on momma's lap.  This is a first!  Momma says she is starving but she doesn't want to disturb the peace.

Hang in there!
Only a few more hours 'til you need to get up and fix our dinners anyways.

Have a great Caturday, everybuddy!


  1. We hope she has the strength to feed you later. :)

  2. We totally understand about not disturbing the peace! lap naps are so delightful for all!

    Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog about the abandoned/feral cat colony I manage.

    Debby in Prescott Valley, Arizona

  3. You two are lucky - my rude human would totally have disturbed me and gotten up at the first hunger pang!

  4. You did well training your humain ! Purrs

  5. That is so sweet! I know your mom doesn't mind starving when you are soooo adorable :-)

  6. You've got her right where you want her! Excellent!
    Good to see a post from you guys - we've missed you!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  7. Your Momma sure does love you lots. We hope she has enough strength to crawl to the kitchen for your food later on. :)
