Monday, October 7, 2019

Mancat Monday

I'm not sure what I am doing here in the baffroom sink.  Somehow I just found myself here.


Last month was my and Ditto's birfday.  Would you believe we are four now?  FOUR!

Even more impawtant, two weeks ago now was Sharpie Day, my rescue/gotcha-versary!  If not for that day, my birfdays would be moot.  I've been here for four years now!  FOUR!

But you know what?  I had to spend Sharpie Day at camp!  And momma didn't even tell the camp counselors so they could make a fuss over me.  Ditto and Lilly were with me, so when momma picked us up, the three of us told her off all the way home.  tee hee!


oh, and I've been sufficiently spoiled always since.
tee hee! 



  1. Awww, Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day from all of us!

  2. Happy belated birthday and gotcha-versary! Sorry you had to spend your special day at camp, but I'm sure your mom made up for it :-)

  3. Happy belated birthday and gotcha day, Sharpie! We are glad Mom is making up for you spending your special day at camp. :) XO

  4. Happy Belated Birthday and Gotcha Day too! XO

  5. Wow, 4 whole years?? Happy Belated Birthday and Gotcha Day!
