Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A few words on Wednesday

It's ok, Santa Clawrs already came.
tee hee!

Merry Christmas everybuddy!

"Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will toward men"
Luke 2:14 

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Tuesday treasure hunt!

This morning while we were having our breakfast, momma went digging for buried treasure under the 'fridge.

Lookit all of this loot!
It's like Christmas came early.


The paper straws are Ditto's fav'rites, the plastic rings are Sharpie's, and the fuzzy rings are Lilly's.  We aren't sure about the egg so we didn't waste any time chucking it behind the 'fridge again.

tee hee!

We better hide all of this again so Sandy Clawrs will bring us new stuff.

 tee hee!

Just one more sleep!
Happy Christmas Eve, everybuddy!

Monday, December 2, 2019

Friday, November 29, 2019

Black (Cat) Friday

We're not one for crowds so we are gonna check out the on line deals this Black Cat Friday.

C'mon Sharpie!


Treats, here we come!

tee hee!

Monday, October 7, 2019

Mancat Monday

I'm not sure what I am doing here in the baffroom sink.  Somehow I just found myself here.


Last month was my and Ditto's birfday.  Would you believe we are four now?  FOUR!

Even more impawtant, two weeks ago now was Sharpie Day, my rescue/gotcha-versary!  If not for that day, my birfdays would be moot.  I've been here for four years now!  FOUR!

But you know what?  I had to spend Sharpie Day at camp!  And momma didn't even tell the camp counselors so they could make a fuss over me.  Ditto and Lilly were with me, so when momma picked us up, the three of us told her off all the way home.  tee hee!


oh, and I've been sufficiently spoiled always since.
tee hee! 


Sunday, October 6, 2019

Easy Sunday

We enjoyed a lazy, Easy Sunday morning with our Momma.


Later, when she got up to do stuff, we commandeered her warm spot.


oh, hi.  You're back.  I suppose you are going to make me move.

Minnie was actually safe and ended up leaving the spot on her own.

Really Momma?!?!??

I wasn't so lucky.

Thursday, October 3, 2019


I have some problems with my tummy and sometimes I can't help but bomit.  Technically I'm regurgitating.  tee hee!

Anyhoo, last night I was up in the bedroom penthouse when I had a bit of distress and well... I projectile bomitted over the edge.  On the bright side, at least the mess was where Momma could reach it.  tee hee

I helped Momma with the clean up.

I'll get this side of the closet door...

wait, there's more over here.  I got it!

We had it ship-shape in no time.  Heck, Momma's hot cocoa didn't even go completely cold.
tee hee! 


Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday fun


I am having a bit of fun playing with this toy I found.


It is soft on one side and sort of scratchy on the other.

Plus it is spongy and great to bunny kick!


Momma had this hidden by the kitchen sink.  I think it was rude of her to hold out on us like that.

Do your folks do that to you?


Monday, September 16, 2019

What in the world?

It's momma's view when I sit on her chest as she tries to watch watches stuff on the computer.
tee hee!

She says I have nice smelling furs.
tee hee!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Mancat Monday

On Friday, Momma had been walking through her stinky squash plants at her workplace.


When she came home, I could not get enough of her shoes!

To me, at least, this was better than nip!


Even after she moved her shoes to their usual place by the front door, I was back for more!

Ditto, you don't know what you're missing!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Easy SUNday

As usual, we are getting our Easy on this Sunday.

Our momma, not so much.  She has been on a cleaning bender yesterday and today.  She is mostly closed away in the library, or Pip's apartment.  We will sometimes hold vigil in the hallway...until she unleashes the noisy kirbymonster.

Last week Momma had to help Pip on her journey over The Bridge.  We didn't really know her.  She only liked Smidgen and (barely) Minnie, so we had a time share going on with the main parts of the house.

She was nineteen this year!  She had been battling cancers in her body, and well, it became clear to momma that it was time. 

Run free, Pip.  You were a curmudgeon even when you weren't feeling well (tee hee) and have left quite the milestone for the rest of us.


Friday, August 9, 2019


Momma says this is NOT how a hammick is supposed to work.

I dunno...

I think this hammick works fine.
Plus I still have options.
tee hee!

Sunday, August 4, 2019


Last month the wind blew this nest out of the tree in our front yard.


Momma had to really dig to get to the inside.  Thankfully it was empty.  We're pretty sure it was a (Bullock's) Oriole nest.


I have a nest too!


Ok, maybe it isn't quite so elaborate.


but it was pretty purrfect for spending part of my Easy Sunday.


Monday, June 10, 2019

Mancat Monday

The ice cream edition.

We are having a bit of a heat wave here.  All this week the temps will be over 100 squillion degrees Fahrenheit.  Momma stopped at the store on her way home and got some ice scream.


That was her dinner.  tee hee!

She let me try some.  I got to lick the stick!
But you know what, I didn't really like it.  Momma was expecting to be attacked like we do when she eats yogurt.  tee hee!  I would rather have the yogurt.

Momma called for Sharpie too, so he could try it.  She had to call and call...


I was busy in my shopping bag!
I sniffed at the ice scream that was left on the stick and said no thanks!

If you've gotten to try ice cream, do you like it?