Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Toesday with Minnie

Mom was layin on the floor again...so naturally I was layin on mom!
Unfortunately the flashy box was in reach.  Tho thankfully there was enough light that she had the flashy part off ::whew::
Mom, you need to do some work fixin the sissal on our scratchy tree.

It's hard for mom to get good pictures when I'm so close.  Plus I start movin an cleanin my paws...
Oh, and our grassy planter box is empty...you'd better get on that too and plant us more!
Can you feel my whiskers in your face?
Have a great Toesday!


  1. Yes you are so close Minnie, I can almost reach out and touch you!!!

  2. Meowza, that was up close and personal, and we loved it, Minnie!!!!!!

  3. We do that too - get really close to the camera. It is a good way to get them to put the flashy box away most of the time (our's won't take the picture if we are too close). We love the close ups though! We hope your mom gets on that stuff you need her to do!

  4. That is the best time to ask for things...way to go!

  5. You mom has a lot of work to do for you. What is she doing lying on the floor?

  6. Minnie, did you stick your eyebrows up your Mom's nose? They act really funny when you do that!

  7. Wow! You're almost on top of that flashy box!!

  8. That flashy box always seems to be close at hand. We try to grab it by the string, but just can't pull it away.
    Happy Toesday..a little late.
    ~ Anna Sue

  9. Aw, that's so nice that you got some good together time with your mom, Minnie! And we loved seeing your toesies up close and personal. :)

  10. You are such a cute sweetie, Minnie!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
