Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Toesday with Minnie

Hi!  I'm just playin with my favorite feathers.  I wasn't too sure about that real turkey feather mom had brought for us...it smelled kinda interestin at any rate.  I did end up playin with it for a little bit - didn't want mom to feel bad :-).  These here are my favorite feathers to play with!  woops!  I said that all ready!

This toy also has a squeaky mousie on the end of it, but I just like the feathers...
hee hee!
Have a great Toesday!


  1. Those look like GREAT fevvers to play with! And it looks like you have a kitty fort to hide in too.

  2. Enjoy your feathers Minnie :-)

  3. You're having a lotta fun and when you need a nap, you can doze off in your hiding place....Kassey

  4. what a coolio fort!

  5. Those are pawsome fevvers to play with! And your cat house is just too cool; we love it!

  6. Hi Minnie! We think you look cute playing with your feathers! We have never seen real turkey feathers before - we are more used to the kind you have! And boy that does look like it is a very fun toy!

  7. realleh?! your mommeh has maked mine recipes?! pawsome! well you tell her she is going to likes this one if she likes dessert stuffs.

  8. I wonder if the cat toy people test the feathers to pick out the most fun ones.

  9. Haha! Minnie, we like how you stick your toesies out of that box to play with those feathers!!

  10. Feathers and a mousie=the best!...Cute toes, adorable Minnie...Happy week, sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
